Whether you are charged with the task of delivering a presentation at work, school, or for social purposes, there are a few factors to keep in mind.
The best presentation skills courses will teach you the following rules for improvisation, which is extremely important when speaking to the public.
1. Learn to think on your feet. This is one of the most important speaking and presentation skills to work on in general, whether you are improvising your speech or reading from prepared notes.
2. Establish rapport with your audience. You can draw in your audience by giving them facts that may relate to them personally, starting your presentation with a personal anecdote, or using humor. In presentation skills courses, students learn more about how to maintain this important line of contact and rapport.
3. Anticipate tough questions. Your biggest tool during improvisational presentations is the research that you conducted in advance. When you are researching an issue, be sure not to focus only on your own viewpoint, but read all you can about the opposing side as well.
4. Work on your timing. A good presentation will involve speaking skill combined with the right timing and delivery to inspire confidence in the audience.
5. Stand up straight to deliver your message with confidence. Imagine a string holding you up from the top of your head to the ceiling. This is taught in presentation skills courses to help speakers stand up straight, improving posture as well as vocal tone.
6. Maintain a positive attitude. Even when it seems like your views are under fire, if you stay positive, your point will come across much more palatably to your audience. Techniques to stay positive are taught in many courses in public speaking.
7. Listen to and accept other viewpoints. Show your audience that you are willing to take their views on board, and they will be more likely to listen to you in return.
8. Go in to the presentation with a clear goal in mind. Don't forget what your main aim is with your presentation. All of your statements, visual aids, and supporting facts should help support this main message.
9. Use your body language to support your message. As shown in presentation skills courses, a well-place gesture or movement can help bring your audience in closer to you.
10. Maintain a sense of immediacy. If your audience feels that your message is relevant to their lives now, it will help them stay interested.
These methods and more are covered in many presentation skills courses. By learning more about how to improvise in the real world, you can make your communication more effective not only in the workplace, but also in your day to day life.
At IMproSolutions we are passionate about helping you to overcome fear of public speaking. With courses in public speaking, including presentation skills courses, speaking and presentation skills training, and speaking skill tips. Read about our public speaking program from Author Scott Topper a three-time Emmy-nominated television show host, professional actor and speaker.