Saturday, October 1, 2016

Public Speaking - Professional Tips To Improve Your Speaking

Today, to be successful, a person must have a good command of language. They must be able to express themselves clearly and fluently in ordinary business conversation, across the meeting room table or from the speaker's platform. The rules that apply to success in public speaking also apply to the person who wants to move up the organisation.

In most situations, public speaking is private conversation raised to a larger audience. Effective communication in ordinary business conversation or public speaking is mostly about the effective transmission of ideas rather than the art of performance.

Professional Tips To Improve Your Speaking

By applying the following tips you will become a more successful speaker who effectively conveys ideas either in public speaking or in private conversation.

Observe other Successful Speakers

Study what they do and how they do it. Also observe how the audience reacts to them. Emulate the speaker's good points in your next speech but do not imitate the speaker.

Analyze Your Own Delivery

After you have spoken ask yourself - What went well? And, what will you do better next time? If possible record yourself for later review. When analyzing your performance you are looking for ways to improve. The objective is to find ways to enhance your delivery not to condemn it.

Seek Feedback

Ask other successful speakers and friends to comment on your speech. But be careful. You are looking for people who will want to help you succeed not to tear you down.

Keep the Audience in Mind

Ask yourself the following questions when preparing your speech - Why have I been asked to speak? What is their viewpoint? What type of organisation do they belong to? Is it a professional organisation etc? What age group?

Keep It Simple

Unless you are explaining a technical subject to other technical people, use plain everyday language. If the listener does not understand what you are saying they can become listless and bored. If you have chosen to read your speech or are delivering a memorised speech ensure that you are using spoken language rather than written language. Just because it reads well does not mean it sounds great when spoken.

Be Sincere

A part time speaker with something worthwhile to share, believes in what they are saying and enthusiastically delivers can outperform the professional speaker in the audience's viewpoint.

Be Brief

Your talk should be long enough to cover the essentials fully but like good literature it should leave the listener wanting a little more.

Thorough Preparation

Preparation is of key importance to effective speaking. Being thoroughly prepared is key to building your self confidence.

Identify the principle reason for your speech. Research your idea fully so that you have mastered your subject. Logically set out your ideas so that your speech will convey your ideas effectively. And finally practice, practice, practice.

Success in business today is about effectively communicating ideas. By applying the above basic techniques you can quickly become adept at conveying your ideas. Being fully prepared, sincere in your delivery, to the point in your speech and considering the listener's viewpoint you will soon improve your effectiveness.

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