Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How to Find the Courage to Speak in Public

Speaking in front of audiences is a fear many people have. That's unfortunate because many people have to speak in front of people for work if that's their job, and, if you're an entrepreneur, speaking in front of large groups is a great way to get more exposure for your business, and you're missing out by believing that you can't do it.

Some of the biggest fears that are easy to hold on to are:

"I'm going to be awful, and people will think I did a lousy job."

"People will laugh at me."

"I might get tongue-tied and not be able to speak because I will freeze up from fear."

And so forth. If you need to speak, or are considering becoming a speaker, my hope is that you'll leave this article feeling either inspired, or at least laughing enough that you're willing to try it, at least once!

I believe, when it comes right down to the true impact of your taking the risk to speak in public, there are really only 3 possible outcomes:

You really are awful. You will totally bomb, fail miserably, and people will walk out of the room early because you're so bad. If you do this, guess what? You just gave everyone in that room a great story! Instead of complaining about whatever awful situation in their life that's been dragging them down, they can now focus on you and realize that their life is now much better because, at least they did not make a fool of themselves in front of lots of people! And, so, you allowed everyone in the room to be happier in their own lives, that's pretty great if you ask me. They will go home and tell a good story when they get there. Oh, and you get to learn from your mistakes, which you simply cannot be more lucky to do. You took the risk to fail, and now, it's going to allow you to succeed don't ever forget that! In fact, if you really fail completely, that means only one thing - you are GUARANTEED to do better the next time you try.

You will make people laugh, possibly at you, not with you. Good job! So what if people laugh at you because you dress funny, you're weird, your presentation was funny and that means you got people laughing. In my book, that's a great thing. Laughter means everyone in the room is happy, and you did that! Laughter, if you haven't read about it, is also great medicine and by making everyone in the room laugh, you just made them healthier! Well done!

You will inspire people. Even if, for the very fact that you ventured onto the stage, scared, not sure you could do it, and taking the risk to fail, you could, potentially, inspire other people. Isn't that wonderful? You have no idea how your very presence in front of a room full of people could leave a lasting, positive impression. Not to mention, that your presentation may also be so good it leaves everyone with inspiration to take action in their own lives.
If you're looking for where to start, try taking a class or joining an organization like Toastmasters to learn some good speaking strategies. Next, put together a brief presentation and practice it on your friends, in front of the mirror, or a video camera. Try it out, practice it, and eventually you will get more comfortable with the material. Finally, go do it! If you have the luxury to choose, start with a small audience. Learn your strengths, learn your weaknesses, and most of all, learn from mistakes.

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